New way of submitting applications from 2025

New way of submitting applications from 2025

New way of submitting applications from 2025

Oranje Fonds, Kansfonds and Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland; the participating funds in the Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben (SFC) have decided to continue and even intensify their efforts in the Caribbean in the coming years. However, in the future - from 2025 - they will no longer do this under the flag of the Collaborating Funds for the Caribbean, but as fellow funds alongside and with each other.

Spending alongside each other on the islands offers the funds the opportunity to work more based on their own vision, policy choices and working methods. Or, when implementing a joint program, to work together intensively.

There will be a transition period during which the joint counter for submitting an application will remain open in 2024. The funds will announce in due course how they will continue to work in the Caribbean.

What does this mean for current and new applications?

For now, this means no changes for current applications. These will be further handled by the local advisors already involved. New applications can be submitted in the usual manner.

Settlements for applications granted up to and including 2023 will be processed via the local advisor in accordance with the existing procedure.

Do you have questions? 

You can ask your questions via: [email protected]